Raschig Rings for Landfill Gas Treatment
Raschig rings have proven their efficiency within chemical reactors by significantly improving reaction efficiency. These short, cylindrical packings were designed to create a large surface area for interactions between liquid and gas in an enclosed space; additionally they aid in separation of chemical fractions as well as collection of distilled products.
Hexoloy Silicon Carbide (SiC), is an exceptional material to use as an adsorbent due to its exceptional chemical resistance, durability and thermal stability – qualities which meet the stringent demands of landfill gas treatment processes.
This adsorbent is highly efficient at extracting heavy metal ions from wastewater and industrial process streams, and has found widespread application across industries including water treatment, mining and environmental remediation projects. Thanks to its ability to capture and retain metal ions effectively, it makes an excellent alternative to more commonly used cement kiln dust, zeolite or bentonite-based absorbers.
While there are various types of raschig rings, metal ones tend to be preferred for applications that require higher temperature resistance, such as distillation. Metal raschig rings have greater temperature tolerance than their plastic counterparts and can even be steam cleaned, an essential feature for wet scrubbing or air stripping applications.
Wisconsin Stamping & Manufacturing’s Raschig rings have proven highly useful in chemical processing and mass transfer applications, including distillation. Available materials include aluminum, copper, nickel, Monel(r), Inconel(r), Hastelloy(r) and steel – with sizes typically ranging between 1/16″ ID to 3 5/16″ OD with wall thicknesses ranging between 0.10″ to 0.156″.